Wednesday, January 05, 2005

A Dispatch From Genghis Appleseed


-hey, mat. sorry i got home so late last night. i know today was your first day of work, but i assure you that i was working hard in your interest throughout the night.

-first, remember that chick from bill's?
-the one with the boyfriend you spoke with on christmas eve?
-...the hot one?
-yeah. she said she's not working there anymore...
-yes, a shame indeed. well, before i could begin to execute plan b, she asked for your number, and i of course got hers in return. then i kicked her ass in pool and told her to message you anytime on my way out.
-your welcome.

-then dave, pat, and i headed over to club 259, that club we crashed on christmas eve.
-yeah it was cool. i told the people working there that i was santa and they smiled and shook my hand. there was a girl that worked there as a dancer and -
-yeah, she's paid just to dance with people - and she asked dave something in vietnamese but he couldn't hear, so she wrote it down but he still couldn't understand what it said. seizing this moment of vulnerability, i grabbed the paper, pretended to read it, and then said that i understood and asked her for her number.
-yeah, she was cute, but whatever they're paying her there it's too much, because she can't dance for shit.
-yes, i know that's the case with all of them, but the others aren't paid dancers. anyway, you'll have to forgive me because i gave her number to dave.
-well if it wasn't for him, she probably wouldn't have written anything down and - fuck him? but my orders are for girls... i don't understand.
-oh ok. well he probably has the best shot with this one because i think the only english she knows is "phone number."
-very well then, it won't happen again.

-oh and one last thing. after the club, we grabbed a bite to eat and then headed over to sahara.
-i know but it's the only place open that late. so there are these girls that work there...
-yes, working girls...
-of course not. we met them a few nights ago. only talked. nothing else, you know that. anyway, one is pretty cute and i kinda... uhhh. well... you see, i felt bad for them because they don't get as much business as the other girls there and it's mostly because they can't speak english so i sort of told them you'd teach them english and got her number.


-i seriously doubt you've 'made better decisions' while trying to find your face when you were tripping on mushrooms.
-yes, she knows it's not a 'transaction.'
-when? ummmmm... tonight. some time after you're done working and before she begins working.


-i apologize. i just figured since you're not getting any action from phuong, maybe you could-
-ok ok fine, i'm sorry... oh one more thing. the girls' madame is thao... retired working girl thao. and she still looks sexy...

[end of transmission]



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mat-The classic you classically wear them. Do you remember the last time your wore them? Jumping off a bench and frolicking through bushes with a Smith & Weston BB gun 007 style...oh yeah, and don't forget about the "BALLS OUT" pic...I believe you had those glasses on then too. Those sexy glasses can tell some stories.
Looks like you are having a hell of time.
xo Kim

8:45 AM  

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