Thursday, October 20, 2005

The Phuc Diju Jussay?

try saying 'foot.' faster. ok, repeat the word, but replace the last consonant sound with a very soft 'k,' closing your mouth before the offending click can escape. you'll know you're doing it right when your cheeks puff out. now say it in a slightly higher pitch, as if you were at a noisy dinner party and you were trying to get your friend's attention without yelling. "phuc!"

i have 3 different phuc's in 3 separate classes, and whenever i call them by name i'm always mindful of the vietnamese pronunciation, except when i want to express frustration. then i use the american pronunciation, "fuck," as in "what the fuck are you doing?" and "so why the fuck are you late" and "quit fucking around" and "fuck, you do the next one." i sympathize with these phuc's because, as you may know, i'm no stranger to people mispronouncing my name. it's quite common for students to say my name in that higher pitch i described above, which in vietnamese means something like "lunatic." i figure if i can take being called mental, they can surely withstand a nominal likeness to the english language's most infamous 4-letter word.

i've hung out a few times with the eldest phuc, an extremely impressionable but nevertheless cool guy with whom i share a sardonic sense of humor and a perverse passion for pool. he'll be in seattle before the end of the year, so i asked him how he thinks people will react to his name. well aware of the impending controversy/confusion/hilarity, he believes it would be best to just adopt an american nickname, like 'luke' or 'mickey.' (i'd have offered up 'razor,' but i'm reserving that awesome title for my first born.) instead, i suggested he wholly embrace the vulgar nature of his name. when somebody asks him what his name is, he should let out an uncamouflaged f-bomb. "yeah, my name's FUCK, fuck nagooyen" (nguyen). he didn't like that idea at all.

so anyway, phuc, along with every other vietnamese student i've ever had, can be hard to understand sometimes. like last week when he asked me out of nowhere about 'conservate,' with the vowel sounds all over the place and accents on the wrong syllables. typical of what i go through on a daily basis, the exchange went something like this:

"uhh... can you write it?"


"ohhhh... yeah. conservate. that's not a word."

my ears have by now adjusted to the idiosyncrasies of the vietnamese version of spoken english, marked most distinctly by a pervasive disregard for accurately enunciating the last consonant sounds. (juice guy anyone? "yeh, thah one chee omeleh an one mango smoo-ie.") and i'm reasonably good at deciphering their b's from p's and g's from c's, which they often don't distinguish clearly. so if one of them asks me where he can find "pig cocks" i won't send him somewhere that sells "big cogs" (though it might not be all that much of a disappointment).

as long as the students stay within the boundaries of a normal conversation, i usually understand what they're talking about. but when they try using low frequency words without context or knowledge of the correct pronunciation, i often have to cycle through a number of similar sounding words to guess what they mean. this becomes quite tedious after a while so if i think it's important, i'll take the time to listen, but often after the second or third time the student repeats it, i have to just acknowledge whatever they said with a simple "ok" or the ever ready "really?" or occasionally an utterly unthoughtful "hmm... interesting." and there's always that old standby the smile-nod-and-move-on which i assure you, judging by their silent dejection, is as inconsiderate and condescending here as wherever you're from.

but today my patience paid off when one of the slightly stuck up high school girls stood up and asked me if she could leave. since i was mid sentence i said "no, wait a second" and continued my inquiry into what another student was saying. she remained standing for a moment until one of her friends said she was sick and had to use the bathroom. in the 4 seconds from when she had first asked me to when i looked at her again, she had contorted her face into such a comically exaggerated expression of agony that i just smiled and waved her by. as soon as she left, one of the older guys said something directed at me that made some of the students around him laugh. i thought it was a comment regarding the lesson so i said:

"... what?"

at this point i'd have just said "ok" and gone on with the lesson, but the boys' giggles and the look of disgust coming from one of the girls signaled to me that this was worth knowing.

"sorry, just say it louder."
"she has DIARRHEA."

of course. once i understood what he was referring to, his mangled meaningless mumble-jumble snapped into the verbal symbol for shit pouring out of someone's ass which, much like people getting smashed in the face and crotch in Dodgeball, has been empirically proven to be pan-culturally humorous.

i can understand why a student would have trouble pronouncing 'diarrhea' what with all those r's and a rogue h. it's gotta be french. but earlier in the day i was baffled when one of the engineers from hanoi, minh, the unanimous winner of the whiny bitch -- excuse me, 'complainy-loo' -- of the year award, asked me what 'jarn' meant. I was surpirised not because i didn't know what he was talking about, but because i couldn't believe he was pronouncing it like that.


the word was 'yarn.' it appeared in one of the questions on a practice exercise we were doing in class, and i had been explaining what it was for at least a minute before he asked me. it was obvious he hadn't been paying attention so to prove my point and embarrass him a little, i started writing some words on the board: "you," "yet," "yellow..." [shoulda just written 'yes' in retrospect] but before i could finish he said "ah see," and showed me his electronic dictionary which said exactly this: yarn - jarn.

"what is this?"
"the pronunciation: JARN."

i started laughing. "minh, it's wrong. that thing is useless. 'y' is a 'yuh' sound not 'juh.' look at all these words."
"i know but i think uhh you're wrong."

and he was serious, which made me laugh even harder. it was at that time that i remembered all the hanoi students speak with the northern accent which uses "zuh" sounds instead of the southern "yuh's." so i asked all the hanoi students to pronounce the words on the board and they all said the words with a half 'j'-half 'z' kinda sound (but they had to've been humoring me to say "ju" when i know they all usually say "you"), while the southerners had no problems.

i was still reveling in the absurdity of the situation when minh finally admitted i was right, but only after seeing someone else's electronic dictionary with the correct pronunciation. of course i wasn't gonna let him off that easy so i then went on a minute long spiel thanking god that i was right because i'd thought for 23 years of my life i'd been mispronouncing all those words. making sure the irony escaped no one, i suggested they all drop out and instead watch mtv for 6 hours a day, and spend their money on expensive pocket dictionaries and candy.

let's see, what else happened today? someone wrote 'matt suks' outside my door. that was very nice. it was before the above incident occurred, so i originally assumed it was my colleague/housemate/australian/functionally illiterate friend euan, but the spelling was too good. hmmm, was it phuc in my SSP class, the confused 15 year old high school kid not yet aware he'll one day be a raging homo? well at the time, i figured it could be anyone...

"hey fuck, did you write that outside my door?"
"you know what. don't play stupid with me, fucker."
"i don't know what..."
"look i know you fucking wrote it."
"relax man, i'm just fucking with you."
"...teacher, my name is phuc not 'fuck.'"
"that's what i said... ok. everyone open your books to page uhh..."


Blogger big matt said...

First off...sweet use of "Complainy-loo" I almost forgot about that one myself until last week. Oh yeah, Matt Suks was me btw.

10:08 AM  
Blogger Avi Tinder said...

yo- so i havent had internet for over a week now but im at school and decided to entertain myself with your blogg. wish i could write as well as you- esp considering my second major is creative writing and all next semester i will only be taking writing courses. but yeah love you and miss you xoxooxxooxo btw that slut wilma has put us out of school for over a week now and possibly more- i want money back

2:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's pure comedy watching the events unfold on TV. Lu see fear.

7:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no get out jail free card or your political family can get you out this one.

Planning to run for Congress in the future? Follow in the family foot steps? I will still be around.

7:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one can fall on the sword for you.

7:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is what happens when you fantasize too much on the power puff girls. Maybe try imagining real people instead of letting your imagination run wild.

I was wondering what it was that you were looking for. Maybe it was the magic pen you were looking for, maybe it was the magic shirt, or the magic rock, or maybe it's the magic shoes, or the lucky tooth.

It is just your imagination running wild. You people are insane. Have you figured it out now?

Can't be that guy, he is a nobody. It has to be something he stole.

9:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's the magic sock. It has to be the sock. hahahahahahahahaha. You people are jealous of your own imagination.

I thought it was funny, then you people became sadistic. When are you people planning to open me up, see if it is the magic spleen, or it's the magic heart, or it's the brain.

This is why psychology is really psycho-logic, because you people are insane. Stalking a nobody for all this time, looking for imaginary cartoon characters.

9:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The power of imagination. Ariel Sharon is abandoning his Likud Party. I guess he doesn't want to belong to a name that translates to "shit kills." hahahahahahahahaha

P.S. If you are going to stalk someone, don't leave trails like flags and messages. Monkeys.

11:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you need help thinking of a new name for your club, just holler.

4:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a full house. I don't know why you bother. It is the usual suspects. Self-absorbed, shallow, vain. You only have to look at the pope to see that they are troubled by the fact that it is only about face.

Let it be. They are happy living in their imaginary world.

12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is ironic. I only tried to show them that God exist, and these supposedly Godly people try to beat you down because you don't fit their imaginary prophets.

It is obvious what it is that they worship. Don't they realize that "human sacrifices" not required?

12:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are more worried about job security and keeping their flock in line so the money keeps rolling in. They don't realize that all of that is unnecessary. You are required to do anything whatsoever. Use common sense, treat people with respect, deeds, charity.

You can be atheist, whatever, it doesn't matter. Just don't drop bombs and kill people for profit.

Whatever, the march of the dodo birds continue.

12:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is so obvious. Killing for profit? You are talking about the major economies of the world. The foundation of their wealth is built on plunder. The blood money builds up and trickles down, poisoning those that it touch. Then they scratch their heads and wonder why it is that children kill other for a pair shoes.

They bath in that poison and proclaim themselves the rulers of others.

Let them die. Why bother.

1:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can see dark days ahead. There are those trying to stir up unrest around the world, they feel that their world and their way of life is under attack. The money is too good to give up their dark craft. Little do they know that they are only passing on their poison to their children, and their children's children.

I can feel the earth rumbling underneath me. The two worlds of the living and the spirit are about to collide. Is it time?

1:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not now. Not now. It is not your concern. You can't change them. Like their fathers and the fathers before them, they will go down. Why do you care? That's just life.

1:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are going to drag down millions of others with them. You and I include.

1:48 AM  
Blogger big matt said...

The eagle strikes at midnight; but the light grows dim with every hour. The blood of the proletariat will flow through the streets like the rivers of filth that they bath in. was that? Can I join the "I'm annonymous and talk in code" club yet?

9:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was tiresome having to perform every day for you people. I think you people have hidden "homosexual tendencies." I hope you enjoyed the show.

Videotaping my wife and I having sex, that is sick. You people need help.

12:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you say cult? Can you say people with too much money and too much free time on their hands.

12:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is absolutely bizarre. I can feel his inner rage. I never invited him into my world. I never invited them to read my journals. I never invited them to look at my old pictures.

They set all this up to trap me in. Listened in on my cell phone calls and followed me all the way to Vietnam. The power of imaginations. They probably tried to link all of my old poems, journals and pictures together and somehow came to the conclusion that I had the Power Puff Girls locked up in a basement somewhere. That is absolutely bizarre.

Whatever happen to privacy? TMobile, CNN, NBC, Quest, AOL etc... Whatever happen to privacy? You endangered my family. I almost lost my daughter. I was shot at a few times, poisoned, slandered, verbally assaulted by people that I have no interest in knowing. Basically ruined my life, my love of privacy.

This is the most bizarre year of my life. Thank you for the memories.

2:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They received the shock of their life. It's kind of funny. They were looking for their imaginary Satan and ended up finding the real Satan, with friends. I should have dressed up in red, and attached horns to my head. Give it that faux authentic look.

There is a reason why it is a blessing and a curse. You always attract the same kinds of people. Power hungry people, looking for the bigger bang. Little did they know that they have released spirits that they cannot control. I tried to warn them, it is your mind that shapes your reality. Then there are the others, harmless.

There are things in life that you are better off not knowing. Keeping the mystery and the magic alive, while staying sane.

3:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do I bottle it back up? The left hand is complete.

3:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The reality is that they are spineless cowards. If they cannot control both sides of the debate then they will do all they can to demonize those that oppose them. It's a vicious cycle that repeats itself over and over again.

That is why their one fear is that someone will exposes them to the masses. It is history repeating itself over and over again.

10:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kings, presidents and prime ministers can be bought. What is the price for your soul? Hopefully more than the price of lunch.

1:01 PM  
Blogger big matt said...

You know...blogspot is free last I checked; you don't need to comment your opinions that don't pertain to anything on random people's blogs. All you have to do is sign in and post, it's pretty simple can then leave comments on other people's blogs that mean things and then they can read yours. I figure that's generally how the sane population views this community. I guess there are, however, those schizophrenic individuals that decide to post their views of reality on other people's blogs that have absolutely nothing to do with a different pronunciation of "fuck."

2:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They should have sent the FBI agent to investigate you fucks instead. Now how is it you fucks have access to the intelligence commmittee? Posting your picture on top of th roof was a major goof on your part. Were you striking the Don poses to attract the PowerPuff girls?

The largest concentration of birdflu death is in Vietnam. You fucks wouldn't know anything about that right?

10:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahahahahaha, they spent all that money making all those movies and they all were buried or straight to video. I put a lot work into the "devils rejects." Too bad that movie was buried with the others.

What is the fascination with Luci, they went to all that trouble of changing everything in my path into that name. If I did not know anybetter, I was being serenaded by the Luciferians.

3:52 AM  

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